My Girlfriend Has Celiacs Can We Still Do Anal?
Q: Trevor has a medical health issue question so he called The Cooper and Anthony Show to ask advice. His girlfriend has celiacs and a glycerin allergy. How can they have anal sex safely?
A: Our Dr. Cooper has celiacs and she doesn’t let anything stop her. But before we get to the sex part of our program, has your girlfriend tried the low FODMAP diet? It was a life changer for Cooper and for millions who have tried it. It’s so effective and so popular that you will see the logo on common grocery products from Quaker and Kelloggs.
The reason we bring up diet is because research on people with celiacs and sexuality has shown that their sexual satisfaction is linked to their ability to control the disease. In other words, if she finds a way of eating that can get things under control, her sex world is her oyster. Celiacs itself does not affect sexual intercourse, but feeling like crap and spending hours in the bathroom does. So if she can get her diet steady then your sex life will be steadier too.
As far as her glycerin allergy, it sounds like you understand how to get around that by using toys that are non-glycerine (metal, glass, etc). You can certainly have anal sex and use the toys you suggested that are glycerine free, and once her celiacs is under control you can enjoy anal sex with no issues. Just remember that many lubricants contain glycerin and glycols which are vaginal irritants that can cause thrush. So, nothing containing perfume, dyes, glycols, glycerin or skin tingling chemicals. Got it?
Lastly, cleaning your toys are always important but more so for you guys. Use fragrance free soap and warm water and let the toys dry for 24 hours before using them again. It’s called “the 24-hour rule” and it’s important for you guys to do.