The National Anthem Gets Wasted at MLB All-Star Game
The National Anthem: A treasured, American song, sung before major sporting events all around the country. It’s an American tradition, that can make us all feel united as one nation under…the influence?
Well in the case of Ingrid Andress, yes.
The National Anthem Wasted at The Ballpark
Oh, you’ve heard by now, that country star Ingrid Andress sang, I mean choked the National Anthem live in front of the audience at an MLB all-star game. Ingrid singing the National Anthem quickly made Roseanne Barr singing anything sound like a Grammy award-winning hit.
And what is Ingrid saying about her performance today? Did she have a bad night? Maybe she had a cold? Nope. She says that she was wasted when she sang it. And has packed her bags for rehab.
Hey, good on her for being honest, and getting up and doing something about her addiction. I applaud her. Besides this isn’t the only time we have witnessed a celebrity embarrassing themselves and being intoxicated especially because they were tearing her from the floor up.
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Mark Wahlberg was sauced up when he made this appearance on the Graham Norton show. Sarah Silverman was busy telling a story about peeing herself (Maybe she was loaded too?) and Mark made some inappropriate advances on the host.
Then there’s Steve-O completely wasted on Adam Corolla’s show back in the day. It’s not his only drunken TV appearance. He has since become sober.
John Stamos almost got sued for things he said when he was plastered on a TV show in Australia. Slurring his words, he claimed a dude was angry at him for a previous interview because he “has a small penis.” Eventually, John Stamos decided to go to rehab as well. I applaud him as well
Then there’s a classic. In 1970, before most of us were born, actors Peter Falk and Ben Gazzara along with director John Cassavetes, got lit AF and went on the Dick Cavett show. The whole thing is just a drunken stupor circus and it’s hilarious. It got so out of hand at one point, Dick walked off the show
Hey, I feel bad for Ingrid. Getting up and singing the National Anthem is no joke, but boy can jokes be made after you fail at it.
Having said that, I do love watching a good train wreck.
And if you do too, here’s some more.