2 Hidden Gems Near Vegas Worthy Of A Road Trip
Las Vegas is full of things to do. From shows on the Strip to more community-focused theater and events, we’re never without options. But, like the rest of the country, sometimes even Vegas locals want to get out of town. Luckily, there are two hidden gems near Vegas that can be seen in a weekend.
A travel information website, called Places to Travel, did some digging on the internet recently. Looking for what people across the country were searching up for their upcoming travel plans. They weren’t focusing on the obvious vacation roads-most-traveled. What they wanted to know is what low-key places people were searching. The Places to Travel researchers then cross-referenced their data with TripAdvisor’s “hidden gems” list.
With all the collected information, Places to Travel came up with the ten most searched hidden gems in the country. And two of them are close enough to Vegas to do in a two-day weekend.
Two Hidden Gems Near Vegas You Should Check Out
Havasu Falls, Arizona
The second most-searched hidden gem in America is just four hours from Las Vegas. Havasu Falls in Arizona is a landscape taken right out of a movie. We’re talking the perfect backdrop for a marriage proposal. It’s that gorgeous.

People come from all over the world to see these gorgeous falls at the Grand Canyon. And while it only takes four hours to get there from Vegas, it’s not something you can spontaneously do. Visiting the area requires a permit and reservation at the nearby campground or Havasupai Lodge.
The reason for the permit is that Havasu Falls is not part of the Grand Canyon National Park. Visit Arizona says it actually falls inside the boundaries of the Havasupai Indian Reservation. The Havasupai Tribe starts selling permits for the year on February 1 at 8 a.m. After that, it’s first come-first served.
Related: Great Basin National Park Is Nevada’s Best-Kept Secret
It’s recommended to get your permit early in the year, and to be aware that in the hottest summer months, sometimes the hiking trails get shut down due to extreme heat. But if you are lucky enough to get a reservation and permit when the trails are open, the payoff is more than worth it.

Camping in the nearby campground requires more than an overnight stay. The minimum is three nights. Though that doesn’t mean you have to stay the whole time. If you do, there’s plenty to do. Havasu Falls is just one of the areas to hike. There are five waterfalls in the area, and they’re all a great choice. And one of them is right on the campground.

Visit Arizona has great advice for how to visit Havasu Falls the right way, so check them out before you plan your trip. And plan ahead on which falls you want to visit, because some of those hikes are not for the faint of heart. Waterfalls Of The Grand Canyon does a good job of breaking down the different falls so you can decide ahead of time your game plan.
Descanso Gardens, California
If you drive four hours in the other direction, you’ll find another of the hidden gems near Vegas. This one landed the number eight spot of hidden gems in the country. Descanso Gardens is located in the Los Angeles area, just northeast of Glendale. Descanso Gardens is 150 acres of wildland in the middle of the mountains near L.A. The land has been cultivated and is the spot of some of the most gorgeous gardens, trails and trees around.

Not only does Descanso Gardens have plenty of beauty to behold, but they also offer events throughout the year to make the trip even more memorable. Including yoga, arts & crafts for kids, and cultural dance lessons. There’s also a lot of wildlife to take in, like squirrels, butterflies, ducks and even deer.

And when it comes to the gardens, Descanso Gardens does not disappoint. They have nine different ones on site to choose from. All with their own design and unique aesthetic. You can see 100-150 year old oaks in the Oak Forest. Wander through prehistoric plant life in the Ancient Forest. Surround yourself with hundreds of roses in the Rose Garden. Or stop by the Japanese Garden and relax in the shade of cherry blossom trees and classical Asian features.

There is an admission fee to visit Descanso Gardens. $15 for adults, $11 for seniors and students, $5 for kids 5-12, and free for kids four and under. They are cashless so you have to pay on site with a card or buy tickets online. If you have kiddos, this is a fun trip for them. Besides all the things to see, there’s also a train for them to ride. They are open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day except Christmas.
Other hidden gems that made the top ten list were Crater Lake in Oregon (#1), Roosevelt Island in Manhattan (#3), Pinnacles National Park in California (#4), Morton Arboretum in Illinois (#5), Eastern Market Detroit in Michigan (#6), Discovery Park Seattle in Washington (#7), Fall Creek Falls in Tennessee (#9) and Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio (#10).
Yes, Vegas has a lot to do and see every day of the week. But the next time you want to get out of town without getting on a plane, consider one of these hidden gems near Vegas.
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