Thursday, April 27th 2023 Dave & Chuck the Freak Full Show Download

03:16:51 Download April 27th, 2023

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about how Chuck really upset female listeners who have sleep orgasm, school staff caught on video telling a student to eat his own vomit, Aerosmith expected to announce a farewell tour, a woman shot in the lady button by a stray bullet, a guy that injured his testicles picking up a golf ball, a dude suing a psychic for not removing a curse his ex-girlfriend put on him, A.I. powered glasses can tell you what to say on dates, a renter in trouble for withholding rent because her landlord sunbathes nude, a guy stopped a school bus of kids because one flipped his wife off, scientists predict we could make alien contact by 2029, Americans have a fear of missing out on food trends, parrots are learning how to use Facetime, a guy that left behind $3 million to help the less fortunate afford college, and more!
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