Thursday, August 10th 2023 Dave & Chuck the Freak Full Show Download

03:16:11 Download August 10th, 2023

Dave and Chuck the Freak talk about phrases guys can say to be more attractive to women, a shirtless man busted illegally harvesting ginseng root, the mic Cardi B threw in Vegas sold for almost $100K, a woman tried to kill her family with poison mushrooms, doctors had to remove a record sized 44 lb. poop from a woman, a woman that went on a date wearing only body paint, the ideal length of a first date, how fast you have ended a date, a Peruvian village claiming to be under attack by 7ft tall yellow eyed aliens, an obese man hospitalized after being bitten by his cat, an OnlyFans model kicked off a flight for wearing a cosplay bikini, a man dies of heat stroke trying to spread his father’s ashes, a new TikTok challenge has kids putting castor oil in their eyes, new strain of avocados, woman busted smuggling $35K of cocaine in her vagina, and more!


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