Science Says Too Much Porn Is Ruining Your Sex Life
Q: Rose’s boyfriend likes porn, which isn’t an issue. It’s the fact that he would rather do that than have sex with her. She asked our Dr. Cooper from The…
Science says watching too much porn can impact your sex life
Getty ImagesQ: Rose’s boyfriend likes porn, which isn't an issue. It's the fact that he would rather do that than have sex with her. She asked our Dr. Cooper from The Cooper and Anthony Show, what's up with that?
A: Men liking porn isn't news, but he would rather look at porn than have sex with you is a big problem.
Let's put aside, he's bored of sex with you or he’s feeling disconnected from you or is no longer attracted to you. All of those are certainly possibilities but you aren't saying that, your instinct is that porn can be the problem and I'm going to agree with you and you MUST address this with him, immediately do not ignore this.
I have some real info for you, and if you hear nothing else, pay attention to this…there has been a dramatic change in the sex drive of men 18-59 over the last 20 years.
The National Institute of Health, the NIH, the nation's medical research branch down in DC did a major long term study and found an unprecedented increase in sexual difficulties among young men. In 2012, they found 30% of men aged 18–24 had low libido, erectile dysfunction and low sex drive.
They tested these men for everything from depression to diabetes and nothing. But when they looked at their porn habits, bingo.
Even The Kinsey Institute, the lead researchers on all things sex found the same results. –high exposure to porn resulted in a lower libido, no erections and some ED and the only way for the low libido men to become aroused was more extreme, specialized or “kinky” material .
Your boyfriend isn't going to like this but in these studies they got them back to normal by stopping all porn for 8 months, after that they were fine. You know me, I'm not porn shaming, in fact I'm all for it, but like how 70% of men can go out and get blotto drunk with no issues, while 30% could become alcoholics?
That's what this is. 70% of men, total normal relationship with porn, 30% end up having a problem and it sounds like Rose, your boyfriend fits that category.