How To Save On Groceries In Las Vegas
When “Supermarket Sweep” returned to television, it was meant to bring a smile to faces. Here in Nevada, the show should be listed as “horror”. The latest data shows that…

If your jaw drops when you check your grocery receipt, chances are you are doing it wrong. Try these tips to save a bunch in your budget.
NeonShot via iStock/Getty Images PlusWhen "Supermarket Sweep" returned to television, it was meant to bring a smile to faces. Here in Nevada, the show should be listed as "horror". The latest data shows that Nevadans are spending among the most in the country on groceries from week to week. If you're wondering how to save on groceries, we've got you.
Obviously inflation has hit the nation (and the world) pretty heavily, but using a few new school tools to do some old school savings can save your budget.
Want To Know How To Save On Groceries? Start With Circulars
You probably get one in the mail every week. The grocery store circular. Whether it is Smith's or Albertsons/Vons, you'll get a look at some of the big deals of the week. This is a great starting off point for how to save on groceries. It is also something your grandmother did and who has time for that?
Enter Flipp. The website and app can instantly provide you the current (and sometimes future) circulars for your local grocery store, along with department stores and more. Want blueberries? Search for blueberries. It will search across all of the grocery store chains for the best deals. The $3.99 carton of strawberries at Vons might be $1.99 at Smith's. This app will help you.
You can tap the item and deal you want, and the app will make your shopping list based on which store has which deal. This is incredibly helpful and has personally helped me discover much better deals down the street and save me hundreds in the matter of a few months.
One of the best deals going is Albertsons/Vons' "Friday Only" deals. That $16 per pound steak could be only $5. Your kid's favorite crackers could be more than 50 percent off. Huge savings to be found.
Store Apps Are Another Great Resource
Both Smith's and Albertsons/Vons (either app will work for both) have apps that will help you. Make sure you open that app before you are scouring the store. This is an incredibly easy way to learn how to save on groceries. Figure out not only where the deals are on items (clip those coups), but where the point multipliers are.
The apps may offer you the ability to earn extra rewards just for general shopping. Those points can result in savings at the pump or at the checkout. The difference depends on whether you drive electric or gas, and how big your tank is.
For example, 700 points on the Albertsons/Vons app will get you $10 off your grocery bill. Sweet! It will also get you $0.70 off per gallon at the pump. In order to see the savings on that, you'll need to get at least 14 gallons to see the same savings. If your tank isn't that deep (or that empty) (or it is non-existent) then you should opt for the grocery savings.
However you use your points, use them. If you aren't paying attention, you could lose out. Just a little work and thought can save you a slew of cash.
A Great Way How To Save On Groceries: Join Their Premium Club
Wait, pay to play? What? Well, this is a phenomenon that was sparked on by Amazon Prime. One gimme deal is CVS Extracare Plus. For just $5 a month (or $4 a month if you buy the full year), you'll get $10 in Extracare Bucks a month. You pay $5, you get $10. That is $5 in your favor. If you shop at CVS, you're set!
Not only does Extracare Plus get you the money back, it'll save you 20 percent on all CVS Health brand items, you'll earn points faster and get exclusive savings. There is not a time I leave CVS without having absolutely robbed them.
Other stores like Smith's, Target and more have paid tiers of their clubs that will get you extra perks and savings. Crunch the numbers and see if it makes sense for you.
Fill That Pantry, Stuff That Freezer
If you have a freezer sitting half empty or a pantry that needs filling, fill it. Strike while the iron is hot. If a product you know you are going to use is having a large sale, buy a bunch! If those fish sticks are half off, limit 5... get 5. It costs a little more initially, but you'll be set. When poor schlubs are paying full price, you'll be locked in to the better deal. This is an incredibly effective way how to save on groceries.
Some items like frozen salmon, chicken strips and frozen pizzas keep pretty well. So will fresh meats with the correct vacuum sealing. Get the big deal, save big money. My freezer is filled to the brim with items that were on receipts that had savings of over 50 percent.
Same goes for shelf-stable items and non-food items. You could buy one package of paper towels or toilet paper. But if the sale is great (like when Proctor and Gamble offered huge savings for stocking up at several retailers), get as much as you can. You'll use them eventually and save a ton.
The Easiest Way To Save Cash Is With The Apps
You're using the circular app. You're using the store apps. But there are more apps, and if you want to know how to save on groceries, this is where you supercharge the savings.
First, the Krazy Coupon Lady app will absolutely send you down the rabbit hole. It is helpful to have and keep an eye on ridiculously easy coupon stacking and an eye on limited time offers at grocery stores and drug stores that could have you scoring items like toothpaste and hair spray for near zero (and occasionally free or even getting a refund).
The app Ibotta will be referenced a lot on the KCL app. This app is outstanding. Unlike a coupon that you use at the point of sale, this uses a picture of your receipt to send you a refund direct to your bank account. $5 back for a large All laundry detergent? Get it! Especially if All happens to be on sale at the store as well. Not only will you save on the initial purchase but you'll get cash back on top of it.
From bread to booze and everything in between, there are a ton of deals in this app and it changes all the time. In just a few months of using the app I have earned over $100 back. This app is powerful.
If you download Ibotta, use the code "ZZZZJDM" and you'll get $5 in the app, and you'll help out this lowly writer. Just note you will need a printed receipt from the register to use this app. Sorry Sam's Club "Scan And Go" users.
The Fetch app is a notable mention that will, via a picture of your receipt, help you score "points". They can be earned for buying certain items or spending money at certain stores. Those points can then be used to convert into gift cards for Amazon and the like.
Whatever you do, know that saving takes a little effort. But it has never been easier to do and if money is tight, or you're looking for an easy way to "create" money in your budget, these tips will send you in the right direction.