

The 3 Scariest Thrill Rides In The World Designed To Make You Puke 

Since it’s October, I thought I’d talk about scariest things ever, like ghosts, Haunted houses and attractions in Vegas, and Raisins on salad. OK, those things aren't the scariest things to make you puke (although, the salad, could rank up there).  I guess the more appropriate way to say this is, scariest things to me.   And One of the scariest things to me besides the above, is thrill rides designed to make you puke.   Scariest Thrill Rides That Should Come With Barf Bags Dot get me wrong, I love a good rollercoaster, especially when I was a kid. I couldn't get enough of Colossus at Magic Mountain in California. And Space Mountain at Disneyland was always near and dear to my heart because my dad took me to ride it all the time when I was a kid. Yes, There was a time when you could go to Walt Disney's house without taking out a second on your mortgage. But let's be real, as great as SPace Mountain is, its not the scariest thrill ride, designed to make you puke.  Related: Las Vegas Thrill Attractions  But Insanity thrill ride? Oh yeah. The name of the ride is fitting because you’d have to be out of your mind to dangle on the side of a very tall building, and then spin your ass around as fast as you can. It's literally insane. Its also in my hometown, LAs Vegas. But I think its more located in Nopesville USA Then there Tornado Swing in Thailand. I mean what's the point of eating anything for a week before you ride this ride because everything inside of you is going to fly out. Or is it just me? Notice all the people riding this are kids. That's because when you're a kid you don't realize you have a motion puke button yet, or again is that just me? If I'm on this ride, Id stay out of the park if I was you, unless you wanna bathe in my dinner form last Thursday night. And as much as I love roller-coasters, X2 California at Magic Mountain in Valencia California, I think they named it wrong. I would like to change the name to The Vominator. Why?. The ride is unique in that the trains' seats pitch 360 degrees forwards and in reverse, regardless  of the main track. In other words, you’re moving all over the place and so is that corn dog you ate by the Ferris wheel. But hey, The music is good, and riding X2 California looks a whole lot less scary than eating a salad with raisins on it, and way more fun. 

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