The modern mug shot was invented in 1888, and famous portraits have been coming out ever since. From the days of the Wild West to today, mug shots have shown the faces of arrested citizens and celebrities, alike. For some celebrities, it’s hard to hide from the past when their mug shot is iconic.
The original purpose of a mug shot was to give law enforcement a photographic record of arrested individuals. While still used for that today, it’s become a common thing to end up seeing some of these celebrity mug shots on t-shirts and monetized in some way.
Mug shots go on to become iconic for a number of reasons. These reasons vary, and are rarely ever for a good reason. Sometimes it’s for the story behind the arrest. However, most of the time it seems like these pictures end up going viral because of how the individual looks in the picture.
When you hear the phrase ‘celebrity mug shot,’ who do you think of? Is there one specific example that comes to mind? There have been several over the hundreds of years of their existence that have stuck out, for one reason or another. Some of these photos will live on in infamy forever, unfortunately. However, others have totally embraced their photo. It’s different for each case and person, and understandably so.
I put together a list of 10 iconic celebrity mug shots. All of these stand out amongst the others. For some, it’s how bad they look. On the other hand, some mug shots are iconic and famous for how good they look. Every picture is noteworthy for its own unique reason.