Refunds Are Now Required To Be Issued ‘Promptly’ By Airlines
Airlines are now required to issue refunds. Yes, I just typed that. Wait, don’t they already give refunds? Not always. Sometimes you get vouchers, or a promise of another flight, or the big middle finger (I’m looking at you Frontier Airlines). But now, airlines are required to issue refunds. Real refunds. In a timely matter. What a novel idea, huh?
Refunds. The Struggle Was Real.
If you’re traveling for a vacation, it can be full of much needed relaxation. Traveling can also be an adventure, full of much needed excitement.Every person in the world has experienced flight delays, cancellations and, for whatever reason, has been unable to make their flight and had to reschedule. Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve dealt with one of these headaches. And in those times, the last thing you probably experienced is excitement. Unless you consider anger, frustration and stress exciting.
Related: For Those Afraid To Fly – Real Advice From Someone Who Knows
And the biggest stress? Getting a refund.
I personally had to fight with Frontier Airlines for my refund during the pandemic and, according to, I wasn’t alone. DOT (Department of Transportation) was encouraged to investigate Frontier for their Refund policies. Based on the latest news, I’m assuming they did.
But look, name almost any airline and you’ll find a horror story about how someone who booked that airline had to fight for their refund. Just like the one reported by Sometimes for Months. Even if they paid to get the refund. Think about it, you had to pay a refund fee to get a refund and then still had to fight for the refund.
Well, those days are over.
Airfare Is Finally Fair
According to U.S Department of Transportation, an airline must refund you if your flight was greatly delayed. They must refund you if your flight was cancelled, and you chose not to travel after that. You are now entitled to a refund for baggage fees if your luggage was lost, fees for services you ended up not using, like seat upgrades or inflight wi-fi.
Also gone are the days of fighting for your refund for months on end. Airlines must refund “promptly”, which is defined by the US Department of Transportation as seven business days, if a credit card was used, or up to 20 days (about three weeks) if the customer paid cash.
This is great news. Airlines have been getting away with holding our money and making us beg for it back for far too long. I’m still looking at you, Frontier Airlines.